Wat's Pig is a 1996 British stop motion animated short film created by Aardman Animations and written and directed by Peter Lord. It is a tale of two princes who are split as babies only to reunite as adults during a war. It is told almost entirely non-verbally.
Two princes are separated at birth and reunited only after a crisis grips the country.
- Trey Parker
- Mark Strong
- Sally Hawkins
- Frank Welker
Release Dates[]
- April 10, 1996 (United States & France)
- Creature Comforts (1989)
- Oscars Academy Awards (1997) - Best Animated Short (Nominee)
- Animation by Sam Fell, Peter Lord and Mike Booth.
- Art Director/ Model Co-ordinator: Jan Sanger.
- Set Designer: Rachel Moore.
- Sets by Cod Steaks.
- Scenic Artist: Tim Farrington.
- Props Maker: Jo Conard.
- Model Makers: Virginia Mason, Cathy Price, Debbie Smith and John Wright.
- Director of Photography: Andy MacCormick.
- Lightning Camera Assistant: Philip Eason.
- Trainee Camera Assistant: Jeremy Hogg.
- Electricians: Marcus Goddard and Matthew Kitcat.
- Music Composer: Andy Price.
- Sound Effects by James Mather.
- Edited by Tasmin Parry.
- Thanks to Tara Bacon, Lisa Bilbe, Maxine Guest, Patrick Haines, Martin Houghey,
Jason Marshall, Arthur Sheriff, Karina Thompson and everyone at Aardman. - Executive Producers: Peter Lord and David Sproxton.
- Produced by Jo Allen and Michael Rose.
- Written and Directed by Peter Lord.
- An Aardman Animations production for Channel 4 1996.