Shaun the Sheep: The Flight Before Christmas is a British stop-motion animated short film. It was produced by Aardman and released on Netflix in the US on December 3, 2021. In the UK it aired on BBC One on Christmas Eve.
Shaun's seasonal excitement turns to dismay when a farmhouse raid to get bigger stockings for the Flock inadvertently leads to Timmy going missing. Can Shaun get Timmy back before he becomes someone else’s present?
- Justin Fletcher as Shaun, Timmy
- John Sparkes as The Farmer, Bitzer
- Kate Harbour as Timmy's Mother
- Simon Greenall as The Twins
- Andy Nyman as Nuts
- Richard Webber as Shirley
- Emma Tate as Hazel
- Laura Aikman as Ella
- Marcus Brigstocke as Ben
- Anna Leong-Brophy as Jin