Humdrum is the 1998 British animated comedy short film directed by Peter Peake that was released and produced by Aardman Animations and received an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Short Film and a BAFTA nomination in the same category.
Plot summary[]
Film technique[]
The film employs a distinctive stop motion cutout animation technique to animate the shadow puppets, making them move in ways that traditional shadow puppets cannot but retaining the impression of being projected onto every day backgrounds.
Voice Cast[]
- Moray Hunter and Jack Docherty as the Shadow Puppets.
- Lightning Camera by Andy MacCormack, Jeremy Hogg and Toby Howell.
- Design by Peter Peake.
- Music by Andy Price.
- Edited by Nick Upton.
- Script Doctor: Richard Goleszowski.
- Dubbing Editors: James Mather and Ben Jones.
- Dialogue Editor: Tasmin Parry.
- Sparks by John Bradley and John Trickle.
- Technical Boffs by Janet Legg and Alan Yates.
- Titles by Marc Day.
- Cutting Room Assistant: Maggie O'Connor.
- Production Assistants: Lisa Pavitt and Margaret House-Hayes.
- Heap Big Thanks to: The Puppet Factory, Big Fat Studios, Pete Atkin,
Maxine Guest, Claire Jennings, Terry Krejzl, Helen Nabarro and Lynda Ware. - Producers: Carla Shelley, Michael Rose
- Associate Producer: Julie Lockhart.
- Executive Producers: Peter Lord and David Sproxton.
- Written and Directed by: Peter Peake.
- An Aardman Animations Production
in association with Channel 4
with the support of Canal + and Premiere. - Copyright Aardman Animations Ltd 1998.