Flushed Away is a video game created by DreamWorks Animation Interactive, Aardman Interactive, D3 Publisher, Monkey Bar Games, and Vicious Engine, and by Nintendo Gamecube, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, and Gameboy Advance, and is based on the film of the same name.
Much different compared to the film, Roderick St. James lives in an apartment, in Kensington, with his owners, until they go away for a holiday. Gilbert and Sulivan, who weren't seen in the film, all help Roddy out with his obstacle course and fencing skills. As they explore more, they hear an explosion, coming from the kitchen. They found that Sid has raided the kitchen and is planning to stay. Roddy schemes to get rid of Sid, but quickly backfires as Sid flushes him down the toilet, thinking of it as a trap. As soon as Roddy ends up in another world, Ratropolis, he bumps into Socketset, who gives him his first task: Collect a jar of flies.
Meanwhile, Rita sneaks into the Toad's lair, grabs the ruby and after escaping Spike and Whitey, escapes on her Jammy Dodger. Roddy investigates but bumps into Rita, who then decide to team up to escape Spike, Whitey and the other rats. After escaping the rats, using ammunition and speed, Rita swerves the Jammy Dodger out of control and crashes onto a platform, where Spike and Whitey capture them both and take them to the Toad. They are sent to the freezer, locked up, and be frozen for theft of the precious ruby. However, Roddy and Rita escape and the Toad orders his henchrats to chase the escapees down.
Roddy desperately tries to catch up to Rita, while avoiding either Spike, Whitey and the Toad's henchrats along the way. He makes it to the bridge, jumps off the walkway and lands onto the Jammy Dodger, spraining his back while trying to escape the henchrats. Rita allows Roddy to stay on the Jammy Dodger, as he had dropped in. He then, painfully, thanks Rita for the lift.
Later, Roddy is claimed "The Chosen One" by the prophet rat and is told to speak with Charlie Wu, who gives Roddy a rescue mission, to save the orphanage from flooding. In order to do this, he and Rita must journey, via the Jammy Dodger. They reach the clogged drain and as soon as Roddy launches the catapult, it releases the water and it starts draining too fast, giving Roddy and Rita the signal to get clear. Charlie Wu is pleased that his children are safe. Then, Socketset gives Roddy another job: Collect another jar full of flies.
Fun Facts[]
- This was the first DreamWorks Animation video game to be released on D3 Publisher
- Flushed Away is not the last DreamWorks Animation video game to be released on Nintendo GameCube, because when Shrek Smash n' Crash Racing was released to date on November 14, 2006 it was the final game based on a DreamWorks Animation film to be released on the Nintendo GameCube game ever made.
- This was the only Aardman and DreamWorks Animation video game to be released on Nintendo GameCube.
- This is also was the only Flushed Away video game to get a PlayStation 2 and GameCube only released and never to get a PC Game or the original Xbox game Release.
- This is also was the only Flushed Away video game where Fat Barry, Thimblenose Ted and Ladykiller appears without Blonde Henchrat.
- This is also was the only Flushed Away video game not to have Rita's Grandma, Blonde Henchrat, Tabitha since their characters are absent but, although they did not appear in the video game.